I need a president that represents the future, not the past. I need a president that understands the cold war was in the past, not in the middle east. I need a president that believes race, sex, and economic class don’t matter. I need a president who is honest and owns up to their past. I need a president that wants to give an opportunity to each and every one of us. I need a president that unifies people, not divides. I need a president that gives an answer, not an excuse. I need a president that believes what they are saying… I need a president who sees us as one people. I need a president to be more than one thing and sometimes not fully anything. I need a president that knows what foreign means. I need a president that does not back-stab his rivals. I need a president that makes me tear when they speak. I need a president that understands the next 100 years are not the past 100. I need a president that has an iPhone, I need a president that believes… I need a president that sees a brighter day ahead of us. I need a president that is not imprisoned by the Boomer mindset… I need a president named Obama.



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